Friday, January 12, 2007
I only admit to finding this SOME true!

Hmmm...I don't know...what do YOU think?! LOL!
I can't believe it's Friday already. Holy fuck! I can sum this week up in one word........
Monday- well, I told you all about
that.....horrendous winds, no power, no heat, no water, snowed in (not from it
snowing....from the fucking WIND
blowing the SNOW), kids couldn't go to fun..
...::::rolling eyes::::....LP began her new gymnastic schedule. It's her passion. What she loves, has poured her heart into. They are preparing her and we all are hoping she makes team this March.
~*~*~fingers crossed~*~*~* It's what she really wants. And I want for her what she wants. You know?
Tuesday- LP was able to
finally go to school again (hooray!). LM started preschool (when asked about his first day he says to us disappointedly "I forgot to hook up with any girlfriends"
*snort!* Umm....ok then....) We realize the hot water heater isn't 'doing it's job' Fuck man. Seriously....can we. not. catch. a. break here?!?!?!
Wednesday- let's nominate this our official 'day from hell'.....from now on.
[sigh] It goes something like this:
8:15 leave to take LP and LM to school
8:38 drop off LP
9:00 drop off LM
9:30 arrive home from dropping kiddos off
11:30 leave to pick up LM
12:00 pick up LM
1:40 leave to pick up LP
2:10 pick up LP
4:30 take LP to gymnastics
5:00 drop LP off
5:00-8:00 run errands, grab dinner, kill time before it's time to pick up LP....
8:00 pick up LP and head home
8:30 get home, wind kiddos down, get kiddos ready for bed
9:30 kiddos are in bed, finally time to crack a beer and wind ME down.
And in between all this I shoveled the freaking enormous snowdrift (in my barn) that had accumulated during our lovely wind storm causing my barn and the horses stalls to be a big mucky mess. Yay AND I should mention that MOMD does all the driving (my Jeep has been out of commission since before Christmas). (((him)))
Thursday- new routine/schedule begins to feel a
little more sane..... I am saddened and disappointed by the events that came about regarding AH and his move, no longer being able to spend time with the children. But in all honesty, life is utterly chaotic right now with LM starting school, LP going
back to school, a new gymnastics, it's almost worked out ok that AH has moved so that we don't have the added stress of Tues/Thurs night dinners with him. Funny how things are like that. I guess. IDK. MOMD spent the day getting our hot water heater back up and running.
[happy sigh] My shows started up again (The O.C....only seven more episodes left until it's finale, SERIES FINALE, sigh....Gray's Anatomy, The War At Home). Woo Hoo! :)
Friday- a cold front moves in.....Our highs are supposed to be in the single digits (it's currently's warming up! LOL). It's supposed to snow when it can, although when it's
this cold, it's pretty much
too cold to snow. But you know? As long as we have heat, water, HOT water, are able to come and go as we please, whatthefuckever. LMAO!
edited to add that the hot water heater is still having
Posted by Vixen ::
7:05 AM ::
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