Secrets of a Blue Eyed Vixen

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thursday Thirteen 1-11-07

Thirteen things I find sexy...

(in a female)
1. The lower back

2. Lower back tattoos

3. Bikini line tattoos

4. Where the shoulder blades and neck meet

5. Heels (being worn, not like the heel of a foot, lol)

6. Brazilian cut/cheeky panties (maybe I'll do an HNT one of these days portraying these, they are ultra sexy and cut just. right)

7. Super low rise jeans

(in both females/dudes)
8. Piercings.....depends on the sex, the person, etc but as long as it 'fits' the person, I'm all about them. Specifically tongue (BOTH female/male), nipples (dudes), navel (females). BUT I once had an insane crush on a chick who had an eyebrow piercing that was HOT. I've seen nose piercings that were HOT (I *love* Katherine's ;). As I said, depends on the person and how well the piercing fits them.

9. Confidence

(in a man)
10. Well defined upper body

11. Little to no body hair

12. Armband tattoos

13. Loose fit, low rise jeans and no shirt (in combination with #8, 9, 10...mmmm)

(I could go on and on and on, but I'm limited on time and wanted to get this posted. :)

Posted by Vixen :: 10:07 AM :: 7 comments

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