Secrets of a Blue Eyed Vixen

Sunday, January 07, 2007

"Women might be able to fake orgasms, but men can fake entire relationships."

Interesting. Eh? I read this on a site the other day. It intrigued me. I ended up deciding to steal it from Professor Fate (I'd link the sexy dude but fucking 'whatever' won't let me, ugh!). Who stole it from all these other people. LOL. Huh.

And poof. Just like that. He's gone. (The Usual Suspects, 1995)

So AH has moved away. It came to my attention last Tuesday, by LP, that AH and his new girlfriend were packing up and moving out of state this Sunday (uh yeah, we're all smart people here, that's TODAY). It was AH's wkend to have the kids. So when we picked up the kids tonight, there was AH waiting in the parking lot with his truck and trailer packed up. The children met us with with big bags of all the toys they had accumulated at AH's house since they have been visiting him (for those keeping track, a month....A MONTH people...he was able to keep our visitation agreement for a month). It's not that I'm completely surprised he's moving. I was given some warning, I had some inklings this was going to happen, he and his attorney had alluded to this happening at some point. What I'm most thrown off by and just frankly *utterly stunned* and taken aback over, is that NO ONE has ever informed me of what is going on. What is happening. Where he is going. When he plans to see the kids again. I've never even been told directly that he *won't see the kids this Tues as planned* as PREVIOUSLY agreed to! I have gotten all and any information from our 7yro daughter. I am the mother of these children. Yet, I have no fucking clue where their father is moving, what he will be doing, how to contact him, when or if he will be back in town, when and if he plans to see them again.... I mean seriously, HELLO!?!???!

So. insane. [shaking head]

Anyways. We have had this insane wind. Wind in our area is not so uncommon. Three back to back snow storms/blizzards *COMBINED* with wind IS. We woke up this morning and our driveway was 'mostly' blown in with hard, encrusted snow. We were able to make it down the drive (with some help from Mr. and Mrs. Shovel....fucking A, I have shoveled more this winter....which is only PARTIALLY OVER....than I have all of last winter, and been STUCK more than I ever had in like, my LIFE). But by the time we came home tonight the drive was completely snowed in. Had approx 4' of snow filled in with blown snow. You know. At this point, fuck it. I fought for over four years to NOT move out of state. But you know what, sign me up. We're moving. To fucking JAMAICA man. JAMAICA!

...:::sigh:::...No. I love where we live. But I'm just not feeling the 'love' at the moment. LOL It'll be fine. I'm just venting. MOMD has already spoken with the plow company and they will be here in the morning. To plow the driveway. Again. For the like, oh I don't know.....the FIFTH time in three weeks. Man that dude is *LOVING* us...I tell ya......

LP is *supposed* to go back to school tomorrow.

LM is *supposed* to start his first day of preschool tomorrow.

*~*~*~*~fingers crossed~*~*~*~**~ You know?!??! Let's hope..... Ok. Not just that they *get* to go back. But that it goes OK. He has only done one thing on his own. He attended a Tumbling class for two weeks this past summer. Two. whole. weeks. Before he flat out said, nah, that's ok. No tumbling for me. Not going back. And it began with "are you going with me", me: ", just you are" and him promptly saying "I'm not going either. I'll stay home with you". At the time I had struggled. I *knew* he would be starting preschool at some point. I *knew* his GOING was not going to be an option later on.... But do I MAKE him continue to attend an extra curricular activity he didn't like doing?!?!?! Tough call. I allowed him to not go anymore. He seriously *didn't want to go*. Ok. Fine. But preschool....well, completely different scenerio. So. Well. I just hope it goes ok. This child continuously surprises me. I have no feel for how it will go.

Enjoy your Monday. :)

Posted by Vixen :: 10:59 PM :: 11 comments

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