Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year!

Last few days.....
*Took the kiddos to see A Night At The Museum. Highly recommend it. Awesome movie, best one in a long ass time.
*Another snow storm came through.....leaving us with yet
another two feet of snow, and MOMB's car stuck at the bottom of the drive way.
Once again.
*Received numerous phone calls from concerned family and friends making *sure* I had a good stock of Diet Coke this time. *snort!* I did.....
*Decided to not let the snow fuck with us. MOMD called a snow removal company to come plow the driveway. Ha!
*Tried to find vacuum bags for the worlds cheapest vacuum, which is apparently a very difficult task.
*LP lost her
other front tooth.
*The four of us went to see Eragon. Despite the reviews, it was good. I'm really glad we still went.
*Tried to spend the kids gift cards they had gotten for Xmas at Target.....which proved
*ahem* difficult. Considering 'oh small one' (LM) was overly tired and had his heart set on a gun that shot pop rocket type thingys that was
made for an 8yro.*LP ended up with another game for her new Nintendo DS. LM, nothing. BECAUSE HE COULDN'T GET HIS MIND OFF THE BLEEPING GUN!!!
LM- I know what I want now, mommy come, let me show you, ook, ook.
Me- *sigh*
LM- [walking up and down the aisles]
Me- (getting frustrated) You aren't showing me anything. WHAT is it you want??? What about this [holding up a cool little boy toy]???
LM- No......I'm ooking! Hang on.....
****repeat five FLIPPING different times****
*The tooth fairy forgot to come.
(shit!)*Stocked up on yummy, divine products at Bath&Body Work's $5 sale. Score!
*Passed on purchasing items at Hollister after seeing the line weaved through like the entire store. Ack.
*Dropped my new pretty ring off to be sized. Ooo'ed and ahhh'ed over all the other pretty, shiny jewelry. I'm a jewelry whore. I admit it. ;)
*The tooth fairy
remembered to come. And over compensated.
*Took advantage of the tremendous amount of snow and built a snow turtle (hey, shut up, lol, the snow is too 'fluffy' to pack for a snowman. LOL It turned out cute.)
*Picked up numerous art kits to help keep kiddos entertained on day eleven of Christmas break....
*Painted a billion sun catchers.
(finally) vacuum bags for world's cheapest vacuum. Thank fucking god.....
*Spent NYE at home with kiddos, MOMD, pizza and beer (for me, of course....). All but me were passed out by 8:00.....
*Don't worry. MOMD woke up in time to bring in the New Year 'right'. ;)
Edited to's cheapest vacuum is now broken. So much for the chase to find those bags. Fucking thing...:::grumble, grumble:::...
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Posted by Vixen ::
3:03 PM ::
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