Thursday, December 21, 2006
Hell of high water, I WILL leave the house today Next time it's going to snow, or might be going to snow or like blizzard so hard we can't leave for days please for the love of god
REMIND ME TO GET DIET COKE!!!!!!!!!OMFG. I haven't had a diet coke since
*gasp* Tuesday. And people, it's not like I drink a ton of it through out the day. I have like one. Mid day. And by that mid day point,
I want my Diet Coke. I neeeeeeeeeeeeed my caffeine. By yesterday afternoon, day TWO of no diet coke, I was having massive withdrawal. I was agitated and pissy and........fuck man. I just
wanted one. Do I sound like a crack whore or what?!?!?!?! LMAO!
You know though, at least I had my beer. Now THAT would have been a state of emergency. It's one thing to be without Diet Coke, it's quite
another to not have BEER.
Anyways. We're
almost dug out. We can
almost get down our driveway. But I'm telling you, hell or high water I WILL GET A DIET COKE TODAY. We WILL leave the house today. LP has been stuck at AH's house since her school closed mid day Wednesday and on the way to pick her up 'someone's car slide off an embankment
((((MOMD)))) ((((us for being in the car freaking out)))) and thank god I was able to ask him to get her. So LM has been stuck with me. LP has been stuck with AH. And I've been stuck having to listen to LM wish he were with AH you know how unfair it seems to a three year old that his sister gets to be with their daddy while he *doesn't*. Uh huh...... The kiddos are with their daddy this weekend and for once I am almost looking forward to it (hey, I said almost.......). For the mere fact, we have gotten so many presents for the kiddos over the past month, I can't remember where or what it all is. I'm dying to get it all out, and survey it, oooo and ahhhh over it and then wrap it. I love to wrap presents! LMAO!
For those who don't check in over the weekends and since Monday is THE day........MERRY CHRISTMAS! *mmmwwwaaaahhhh*
(and for those that do check in, I'll be posting more over the weekend :)
Posted by Vixen ::
10:32 AM ::
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