1. Is it better to give or receive? Such a difficult question! I *love* to give....I love the sense of control I feel knowing what I'm doing is making the other person feel *insane*.....and I think I'm quite good at 'knowing' things, or being able to 'figure' those things out. That said though.....it's hard to beat laying back and *receiving* either....when it feels good. *snort* Like I said, so insanely difficult to respond. I say BOTH. It's better to have BOTH. ;) It's my blog....I can answer that way if I want.
2. What is the most sensitive part on a man/woman's body? Of a man's....ummm....is it bad if I answer that I'm way more familiar with the sensitive areas of a FEMALE? LOL! Let's go w/ MOMD's body, ok? I can run my finger nails in a certain way 'there' before he's completely undressed that I KNOW is very, VERY sensitive (I'm sure he'll love me sharing this with you all, lol). On a female. On ME. My nipples and well, 'that spot' immediately after sex or an intense O *ahem* yeah......
3. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you during sex? (Queefed? Family walked in? Couldn't get it up?) God. Hands down it would be the time that my H.S boyfriend and I were having sex in the back seat of my '72 VW bug in an empty parking lot and the police showed up. It's amazing how difficult it is trying to untangle yourself from another person's body and grab something...anything...to cover yourself up.... And how quickly an officer can show up at your window, asking you to please step out of the vehicle. So. fucking. embarassing. [sigh]
4. Do you like to talk dirty during sex? How dirty does it get? Example! ;) I'm not all that great at it. I am way better at 'walking the walk, than talking the talk'. So to speak. LMAO! With MOMD though it's easier because I know what he likes to talk about and he's really good at prompting me so I places to go with his prompts. :) Sorry....no examples.
5. What do you really want for Christmas? Vibrator? Spanking? That Santa baby outfit from VS damn it! (it's on it's way.... ;) And then to make mad passionate love in it under the tree. With pictures. Of course.
Bonus (as in optional): How often do you masturbate? Masturbate for Peace (lmao!) Well....not as much as I used to. It used to be daily.
*Whew* Holy cow people, these are some seriously difficult questions this week. Good luck. Let's see how many of you even dare to ANSWER them. LOLOLOL...it's ok. I would love to read answers but I totally understand if you don't.