Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Sorority Rush Week Barbie and other random things
Or maybe Ruhipnol Barbie?
LP got this beautiful Rapunzel doll with her Prince as an early Christmas gift. She had long, pretty, perfect ringlets. She was wearing this stunning ball gown. She had a crown that lit up. LP was *in love*. She lovingly placed them on her bed, with the instructions to everyone
"Don't let LM play with them!".....and she closed her door tightly so that LM couldn't get to them and off to school she went.
And then her loving mommy
(snort) was putting laundry away in her room and accidentally let LM in. Like a magnet he was drawn to the dolls. He
wanted those dolls.
"Please, please, please can I hold her?! Can I pay wif her?! I'll be nice. Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaasssssssse mommy".
...:::sigh:::...What to do, what to do?!!? I say no, and this big ass temper tantrum ensues. I say yes and I'm allowing him to play with something LP
LOVES and risking her being angry with me.
"Okay......BUT. DO NOT take off her clothes. DO NOT hurt her. DO NOT wreck her. Please. BE NICE TO HER. LP *loves* these dolls. Ok??????"
"Ok! Thanks mommy!"......and off he runs with both dolls in hand.
And fifteen minutes later this is what he brings to me.

ROFLMAO! I owe LP a new doll. A doll that when I went to look for a new one, was completely sold out. Duh. DUH!
Anyways. On to bigger and better things. Or maybe not, lol.
Christmas was wonderful. Kiddos were happy. MOMD was happy. I was happy. Big ole happy family. Pictures to come....specifically one. Keyword -Napolian Dynamite.
*snort!* Something to look forward to. ;)
Let me tell you all though. I am over the snow. O-V-E-R an enormous, big ass, fucking gigantic way. I don't *mind* the snow. In fact, I happen to love the snow. But I've enough of this white Christmas shit. Seriously. My mom got stuck driving up our driveway Christmas day. Two hours later we got her out. Everyone with me now......
[rolling eyes] *NORMALLY* it snows. Ahhh, look at the pretty snow. It melts. *poof* Everything is back to normal..... This time. Not so much. LMAO! Grrrrr....... AND, there is another big ass storm on it's way. Yay......not. I think MOMD is severely traumatized over this last storm. And it's December people. DECEMBER. March- April are our snowiest months.....YET TO COME.
Enough bitching.
I think I may have strep. Oh wait. That's bitching. LOL!
I guess I don't have much more to say then. AH announced to the children he was moving to Az to start up a new business. With his new girlfriend. Huh. I have no idea how that will pan out. I've decided that I do way too much obsessing in my life(I know this about myself, lol) and rather than freak out about this (I actually have pretty much known and suspected since our last mediation about this move), I will just wait and see how it comes about. I have too much else on my plate to worry about and try to make work. I just can't focus on this too. You know?
Happy hump day! Hope everyone had a fanfreakingtastic Christmas. :)
Posted by Vixen ::
9:22 AM ::
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