Monday, January 08, 2007
I'm all about fun.....
....but I'm 'funned' out. Yeah. No more fun for me, ok?
We lost power last night around 1:00a/m due to winds that were 100-115mph (seriously!). No power means no heat....through heater vents, the water bed the kids sleep in OR the heated mattress pad/blanket on our bed.. No internet. No phone. Very limited water. No
hot water. And really most importantly to me,
NO COFFEE. I say most important to me....but I think my family agrees. Me with out coffee is like a crack whore with out, well, crack. LOL! Not a pretty picture. Ask MOMD. I admit. I have my vices. First and foremost is my morning coffee. Must. Have. Coffee. I am a complete *mess* with out it. And second (which I've already share with you from our
previous BIG storm) is Diet Coke. Each has it's place in my life, my day. And each is heavily relied upon to be the bubbly, fun to be around, exiting "me"
(snort! ;) and withstandable by everyone around me. ((((my family))))
Despite this little 'glitch' in our lovely lives we sucked it up (wearing freaking LAYERS) and got the kiddos up and ready for school. Walked to the bottom of driveway (because last night the car couldn't make it up the drive bc it had filled in with blowing snow) and *thanked god* at least the CAR had heat. But soon were informed the road into town was snowed in. The wind had blown so much snow onto the dam road next to the lake that it was closed. This is
the only road. It took plows and special machinery the. entire. day. to clear the road so that people could leave the area. When we finally made it down the road, the snow drifts created by the plows were 20 some feet tall???
INSANITY people. Seriously.
So. Nobody went back to school. Nobody had a first day of school. The power was restored around 12:30 this afternoon. That was an amazing we were in the middle of packing bags to stay over at my moms. Who DID have power. And heat.
All is ok now in ANT-FUCKING-ARTICA.
Posted by Vixen ::
10:21 PM ::
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