Friday, January 12, 2007
I only admit to finding this SOME true!

Hmmm...I don't know...what do YOU think?! LOL!
I can't believe it's Friday already. Holy fuck! I can sum this week up in one word........
Monday- well, I told you all about
that.....horrendous winds, no power, no heat, no water, snowed in (not from it
snowing....from the fucking WIND
blowing the SNOW), kids couldn't go to fun..
...::::rolling eyes::::....LP began her new gymnastic schedule. It's her passion. What she loves, has poured her heart into. They are preparing her and we all are hoping she makes team this March.
~*~*~fingers crossed~*~*~* It's what she really wants. And I want for her what she wants. You know?
Tuesday- LP was able to
finally go to school again (hooray!). LM started preschool (when asked about his first day he says to us disappointedly "I forgot to hook up with any girlfriends"
*snort!* Umm....ok then....) We realize the hot water heater isn't 'doing it's job' Fuck man. Seriously....can we. not. catch. a. break here?!?!?!
Wednesday- let's nominate this our official 'day from hell'.....from now on.
[sigh] It goes something like this:
8:15 leave to take LP and LM to school
8:38 drop off LP
9:00 drop off LM
9:30 arrive home from dropping kiddos off
11:30 leave to pick up LM
12:00 pick up LM
1:40 leave to pick up LP
2:10 pick up LP
4:30 take LP to gymnastics
5:00 drop LP off
5:00-8:00 run errands, grab dinner, kill time before it's time to pick up LP....
8:00 pick up LP and head home
8:30 get home, wind kiddos down, get kiddos ready for bed
9:30 kiddos are in bed, finally time to crack a beer and wind ME down.
And in between all this I shoveled the freaking enormous snowdrift (in my barn) that had accumulated during our lovely wind storm causing my barn and the horses stalls to be a big mucky mess. Yay AND I should mention that MOMD does all the driving (my Jeep has been out of commission since before Christmas). (((him)))
Thursday- new routine/schedule begins to feel a
little more sane..... I am saddened and disappointed by the events that came about regarding AH and his move, no longer being able to spend time with the children. But in all honesty, life is utterly chaotic right now with LM starting school, LP going
back to school, a new gymnastics, it's almost worked out ok that AH has moved so that we don't have the added stress of Tues/Thurs night dinners with him. Funny how things are like that. I guess. IDK. MOMD spent the day getting our hot water heater back up and running.
[happy sigh] My shows started up again (The O.C....only seven more episodes left until it's finale, SERIES FINALE, sigh....Gray's Anatomy, The War At Home). Woo Hoo! :)
Friday- a cold front moves in.....Our highs are supposed to be in the single digits (it's currently's warming up! LOL). It's supposed to snow when it can, although when it's
this cold, it's pretty much
too cold to snow. But you know? As long as we have heat, water, HOT water, are able to come and go as we please, whatthefuckever. LMAO!
edited to add that the hot water heater is still having
Posted by Vixen ::
7:05 AM ::
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
Thursday Thirteen 1-11-07

Thirteen things I find sexy...
(in a female)
1. The lower back
2. Lower back tattoos
3. Bikini line tattoos
4. Where the shoulder blades and neck meet
5. Heels (being worn, not like the heel of a foot, lol)
6. Brazilian cut/cheeky panties (maybe I'll do an HNT one of these days portraying these, they are ultra sexy and cut just. right)
7. Super low rise jeans
(in both females/dudes)
8. Piercings.....depends on the sex, the person, etc but as long as it 'fits' the person, I'm all about them. Specifically tongue (BOTH female/male), nipples (dudes), navel (females). BUT I once had an insane crush on a chick who had an eyebrow piercing that was HOT. I've seen nose piercings that were HOT (I *love* Katherine's ;). As I said, depends on the person and how well the piercing fits them.
9. Confidence
(in a man)
10. Well defined upper body
11. Little to no body hair
12. Armband tattoos
13. Loose fit, low rise jeans and no shirt (in combination with #8, 9, 10...mmmm)
(I could go on and on and on, but I'm limited on time and wanted to get this posted. :)
Posted by Vixen ::
10:07 AM ::
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I found out earlier today that a fellow blogger and HNT participant was killed in a fatal auto accident late last week (you can click here if you would like). I didn't know her near as well as some others out there. She had a kick ass blog with a cool theme, I had been reading it since last spring. She was funny, pretty, creative and witty. I looked forward to her posts.
I'm just. Shocked. And saddened. She will be missed. :(
P.S. There won't be HNT this week. Os has suspended it in respect for Betcha.
Posted by Vixen ::
1:28 PM ::
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Tuesday, January 09, 2007
TMI Tuesday 1-9-07

1. Which is more appealing and why - a life of leisure or a life of accomplishment? Well....both. For me, how about accomplishing something and THEN living a life of leisure *enjoying* your accomplishment! ;)
2. How many people have you kissed, not counting family? Oh god, really?! Um....ballpark of 35? If we are talking quick peck on lips though then double that number, at least. (I tried to put a lot of thought into this and figure out a 'real' answer and it was hurting my brain so I guessed, lol)
3. How many times have you ever been in love? Not including my children, four times.
4. When you're unhappy in a relationship, do you treat the other person badly? [Examples we've tried: causing jealousy, picking fights, withholding sex, getting real quiet.] NO! I didn't. I don't. Now, with AH I did withdraw into myself but that was caused by insane, extended unhappiness and being so fearful of walking on egg shells at all times. When I'm unhappy I am notorious for withdrawing. But nothing else comes about.
5. Regardless of what's right for you now, would you say you have a good idea of the kind of person you'd like to end up with? Can you, will you tell us? Yes, lol. I want to be treated like a Princess. Have doors opened for me, my hand held, someone who's affectionate and likes to cuddle and let me rest my head on their chest as I fall asleep at night. Who let's me have my independence but at the same time wants to take care of me. Someone who takes care of themselves, cares about their appearances, has good taste and dresses nicely. Successful, open minded, kind and caring and outgoing are nice attributes as well. (And hey! I'm with that person. :)
6. If you're dating someone, is it okay to flirt with other people? Absolutely. It's part of my nature, I'm a flirtatious person. I do make sure the person I'm with *knows* I'm 110% INTO them, regardless of any flirting going on.
Bonus (as in optional) : Describe your personality with three adjectives that describe you well. [For the folks with "technical" degrees adjectives are modifiers, like "musical", "adventurous", or "carnal".] Confident, compassionate, flirtatious (*gasp!*
I'd love for you to play reading everyone else's answers!!! Come know you want to...... ;)
Posted by Vixen ::
4:00 PM ::
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Monday, January 08, 2007
I'm all about fun.....
....but I'm 'funned' out. Yeah. No more fun for me, ok?
We lost power last night around 1:00a/m due to winds that were 100-115mph (seriously!). No power means no heat....through heater vents, the water bed the kids sleep in OR the heated mattress pad/blanket on our bed.. No internet. No phone. Very limited water. No hot water. And really most importantly to me, NO COFFEE. I say most important to me....but I think my family agrees. Me with out coffee is like a crack whore with out, well, crack. LOL! Not a pretty picture. Ask MOMD. I admit. I have my vices. First and foremost is my morning coffee. Must. Have. Coffee. I am a complete *mess* with out it. And second (which I've already share with you from our previous BIG storm) is Diet Coke. Each has it's place in my life, my day. And each is heavily relied upon to be the bubbly, fun to be around, exiting "me" (snort! ;) and withstandable by everyone around me. ((((my family))))
Despite this little 'glitch' in our lovely lives we sucked it up (wearing freaking LAYERS) and got the kiddos up and ready for school. Walked to the bottom of driveway (because last night the car couldn't make it up the drive bc it had filled in with blowing snow) and *thanked god* at least the CAR had heat. But soon were informed the road into town was snowed in. The wind had blown so much snow onto the dam road next to the lake that it was closed. This is the only road. It took plows and special machinery the. entire. day. to clear the road so that people could leave the area. When we finally made it down the road, the snow drifts created by the plows were 20 some feet tall??? INSANITY people. Seriously.
So. Nobody went back to school. Nobody had a first day of school. The power was restored around 12:30 this afternoon. That was an amazing we were in the middle of packing bags to stay over at my moms. Who DID have power. And heat.
All is ok now in ANT-FUCKING-ARTICA.
Posted by Vixen ::
10:21 PM ::
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Sunday, January 07, 2007
"Women might be able to fake orgasms, but men can fake entire relationships."
Interesting. Eh? I read this on a site the other day. It intrigued me. I ended up deciding to steal it from Professor Fate (I'd link the sexy dude but fucking 'whatever' won't let me, ugh!). Who stole it from all these other people. LOL. Huh.
And poof. Just like that. He's gone. (The Usual Suspects, 1995)
So AH has moved away. It came to my attention last Tuesday, by LP, that AH and his new girlfriend were packing up and moving out of state this Sunday (uh yeah, we're all smart people here, that's TODAY). It was AH's wkend to have the kids. So when we picked up the kids tonight, there was AH waiting in the parking lot with his truck and trailer packed up. The children met us with with big bags of all the toys they had accumulated at AH's house since they have been visiting him (for those keeping track, a month....A MONTH people...he was able to keep our visitation agreement for a month). It's not that I'm completely surprised he's moving. I was given some warning, I had some inklings this was going to happen, he and his attorney had alluded to this happening at some point. What I'm most thrown off by and just frankly *utterly stunned* and taken aback over, is that NO ONE has ever informed me of what is going on. What is happening. Where he is going. When he plans to see the kids again. I've never even been told directly that he *won't see the kids this Tues as planned* as PREVIOUSLY agreed to! I have gotten all and any information from our 7yro daughter. I am the mother of these children. Yet, I have no fucking clue where their father is moving, what he will be doing, how to contact him, when or if he will be back in town, when and if he plans to see them again.... I mean seriously, HELLO!?!???!
So. insane. [shaking head]
Anyways. We have had this insane wind. Wind in our area is not so uncommon. Three back to back snow storms/blizzards *COMBINED* with wind IS. We woke up this morning and our driveway was 'mostly' blown in with hard, encrusted snow. We were able to make it down the drive (with some help from Mr. and Mrs. Shovel....fucking A, I have shoveled more this winter....which is only PARTIALLY OVER....than I have all of last winter, and been STUCK more than I ever had in like, my LIFE). But by the time we came home tonight the drive was completely snowed in. Had approx 4' of snow filled in with blown snow. You know. At this point, fuck it. I fought for over four years to NOT move out of state. But you know what, sign me up. We're moving. To fucking JAMAICA man. JAMAICA!
...:::sigh:::...No. I love where we live. But I'm just not feeling the 'love' at the moment. LOL It'll be fine. I'm just venting. MOMD has already spoken with the plow company and they will be here in the morning. To plow the driveway. Again. For the like, oh I don't know.....the FIFTH time in three weeks. Man that dude is *LOVING* us...I tell ya......
LP is *supposed* to go back to school tomorrow.
LM is *supposed* to start his first day of preschool tomorrow.
*~*~*~*~fingers crossed~*~*~*~**~ You know?!??! Let's hope..... Ok. Not just that they *get* to go back. But that it goes OK. He has only done one thing on his own. He attended a Tumbling class for two weeks this past summer. Two. whole. weeks. Before he flat out said, nah, that's ok. No tumbling for me. Not going back. And it began with "are you going with me", me: ", just you are" and him promptly saying "I'm not going either. I'll stay home with you". At the time I had struggled. I *knew* he would be starting preschool at some point. I *knew* his GOING was not going to be an option later on.... But do I MAKE him continue to attend an extra curricular activity he didn't like doing?!?!?! Tough call. I allowed him to not go anymore. He seriously *didn't want to go*. Ok. Fine. But preschool....well, completely different scenerio. So. Well. I just hope it goes ok. This child continuously surprises me. I have no feel for how it will go.
Enjoy your Monday. :)
Posted by Vixen ::
10:59 PM ::
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80's revisited
I have an ever so hip and cool friend (*cough* Katherine *cough*) who recently was talking about some 80's fashion suicides. Reading her comments and what people remembered from this era was like a blast down memory lane. It got me thinking and I reminded me of something I had found on a site a bit ago (Tequila Girl's). Anyways. It's funny to read.
You know you are a product of the 80's if..........
1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "SIKE." LMAO, I don't *think* I did, but I so totally remember other people doing it.
2. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" and can do the "Carlton." *snort* Remember the song, know most the words but uh, no "Carlton".
3. Girls wore biker shorts under their skirts and felt stylishly sexy. Biker shorts… sexy! Uh huh.... And how about boxers or leggings under ripped jeans????
4. Two words: Hammer Pants. Oh god. Not. Cute. LOLOLOLOL
5. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head. [blush] yes.......
6. You made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side. Guilty.
7. You wore stone washed Jordache jean jackets and were proud of it. Oh yes… and some were even stone washed.
8. L.A.Gear....:::sigh:::...
9. You remember reading "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" and all The Ramona Quimby books. Yes! But more so Judy Bloom, most memorable being "Are you there God, it's me Margaret"!
10. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON,WAX OFF." LMAO, of *course*!
11. You ever wore fluorescent clothing.(some of us...head-to-toe). Yeah, I had some. But NOT head to toe, lol.
12. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off and his cheeks shifted. *snort* totally.
13. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence. Oh god....I did it just in Friday's post I think!??!?! I suck. LOL!
14. You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes (and probably in neon colors, too). [shaking head] yes.
15. After you saw "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" you kept saying "I know you are, but what am I? God. Yes. That movie and that guy were STOOOOPID.
16. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up." LOL! Again, yes.
17. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates. Every. single. weekend. when I was in junior high. That WAS our social life. How pathetic, eh?!
18. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip and Slide. I imagine.
19. You have played with a Skip-It. This, I actually know nothing about.
20. You had or attended a birthday party! at McDonalds. Was that cool back then??? No. I didn't.
21. You've gone through this nodding your head in agreement. PIMP!
22. "Don't worry, be happy." OH god....
23. You wore, like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks. Well, duh! and each one was a different color!
24. You wore socks scrunched down (and sometimes still do). Scunchie socks! But hey, I DO NOT do that anymore. Promise.
25. You remember boom boxes. I think I still might have one. LMAO!
26. You remember Alf, the li'l furry brown alien from Melmac. That dude was a-n-n-o-y-i-n-g.
27. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool. I guess....but really, they *were* cool???
28. You know all the words to Bon Jovi's "SHOT THROUGH THE HEART".
(You just sang those words to yourself.) Man. Yeah....
30. You remember watching Magic vs. Bird. Ummm......
31. Homemade Levi shorts.. (The shorter the better.) LMAO......I really DO suck!
32. You remember when mullets were cool! They were NEVER cool! But yes, I remember them. My ex MIL had one, hahahaha!
33. You had a mullet! Uh, noooooooooo.........
34. You still sing "We are the World." I remember it.
35. You tight rolled your jeans. Pegged leg jeans. Yes. I did. With Vans.
36. You owned a banana clip. LMAO! [blush]
37. You remember "Where's the Beef? Ewww. Talk about dumb. You know?
38. You used to (and probably still do) say "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?" That actually bugged the crap out of me.
39. You had big hair and you knew how to use it. Oh yeah. I admit it. BIG.
40. You are still singing "SHOT THROUGH THE HEART". LOL, it's definately stuck in my head now. I'm sure MOMD has it even, I could ask him for it. ;)
Here are a few big things not on the list:
spud mckenzie
Miami Vice
Anyone remember any else?! There are probably a ton. LOL!
Posted by Vixen ::
12:30 AM ::
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Friday, January 05, 2007
Bottoms up
Guess what? It's snowing. Again. Third time heavily in two weeks. Yay....
Guess what else? We haven't had heat since Tuesday night when we ran out of propane/developed a gas leak. Yay.....
Know what else? It's been in the twenties....expected to drop into the single digits. YAY.......
Fuck me. Seriously. You know?! My freaking LORD.... After quite a cluster fuck that began yesterday afternoon involving our propane company, that carried over into this morning with a furnace repair company and finished with a plow coming yet. again. and a propane technician. We do have heat again. HEAT glorious HEAT. This time for reals people....YAY!!!
Turns out this is most likely the last weekend MOMD and I will have to ourselves for quite a long time. So I'm thinking we should whoop it up and party like rockstars. And after the week of being fucking cold and thanking god for heated mattress pads/blankets and space heaters, I'm pretty damn ready. To start like. Now. Ice cold Coors Light anyone? On me. ;)
Cheers. Hope everyone has a kick ass weekend.
Posted by Vixen ::
3:03 PM ::
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Thursday, January 04, 2007
Happy HNT
Mmmmm.....I love this feeling. Fresh out of the shower. Smooth and clean shaven. Applying B&BW Cherry Blossom lotion. Feeling of sheer softness. [happy sigh]
Posted by Vixen ::
9:18 PM ::
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Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen signs we're over Christmas break (that was extended three more days......)
1. It's been almost two and a half weeks. *DING* Time to get back to our regularly scheduled lives. (lol)
2. I'm all about a routine. A schedule.
3. I think we're all getting on each other's nerves from so much 'family time'. *snort*
4. Listening to my children scream and yell at each other has gotten somewhat, well, ANNOYING. And old. And annoying. (Oh wait, I said that already, huh)
5. LP plays school with her 'pretend' class from sun up to sun down. And her poor class needs a break. LMAO
6. The tremendous amount of snow is now melting and turning to slush and the dreaded.....mud. I understand a child's desire to play in mud. I have pictures of LM literally MUD BOGGING in the stuff. But I can only take so much of it. You know???
7. I miss some of my one on one time with LM.
8. Because so much of the break we were snowed in, we are all still recovering from cabin fever.
9. I think that has aided in everyone being over each other (lol).
10. We've officially played with every art project we have. And painted everything there is to paint.
11. The new Critters game the kiddos got for Xmas, has been played with so many times half the pieces are missing.
12. Christmas break= no regular TV programs. Come on shows!
13. Have I mentioned my children are at each other's throats????? (in their defense and to give them some credit, they actually do get along fairly well, it's only been some moments where they have just spent just too dang much time together that they get on each other's nerves.)
Posted by Vixen ::
10:05 AM ::
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007
I know I said I don't make resolutions, but....
Damn straight!
Well....that kind of conflicts with my FIRST resolution! No!?!?!?
*snort!* I think I may have a good hook up for this one. ;)
If I remember correctly, these don't ever last past the first week. Right? This might be a tough one for me.......(lmao)
I think I'm well on my way to succeeding at this one. At least one of my resolutions will work out. *whew*
So LP didn't go back to school today after all.... Too bad no one in this house watches the news. Apparently they informed everyone on the morning news. That due to the sidewalks still being snowed in from the two snow storms, they decided to give the children another day off. Uh huh. So. You're telling me that at no point during the last two weeks that school was off that those sidewalks couldn't have been cleared??? I'm willing to bet that if they had notified the parents yesterday that their children would be staying home yet another day, most of us would have rallied together to be shoveling those walks OURSELVES. *snort!*
Oh well.
Got some rather interesting news last night. About AH moving. Like this Sunday. Yet no one bothered to inform ME of this. I'm not sure exactly how he plans to do Tues/Thurs dinners and every other weekends in Arizona!!!!
IDK. I'll keep you all updated. Meanwhile I'll continue to try to recover from the confusion and shock. I mean I knew he was moving. In the future. Some time. At some point. But not like THIS WEEKEND. [scratching head]
Happy Hump Day ;)
Posted by Vixen ::
10:04 AM ::
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Tuesday, January 02, 2007
TMI Tuesday 1-2-07

1. Saddam Hussein - How would you have executed him? Cut off his balls? Cut off his dick? Other?Yes. I have not much more to add to that.
2. How would you rate your kinkiness level? Rated G? Rated PG? Rated R? Rated X? Details! This is suppose to be TMI! Tell me!!! Hmmm....I suppose R. I don't consider myself all that kinky really (and am happy with that). Although I think about things I've done, like to do and they are probably considered pretty much so. BUT I know others who are MUCH kinkier than I am. So. Yeah. (lol)
3. Ever stolen something from someone? What was it? or... What would you like to steal? =P No. I couldn't do that. I'm huge about a person's personal belongings. Having been so violated the past year in so many ways....I'm very conscious of this.
4. Do you have a favorite porn star? Gimmie a link! ;) I guess if I had to grasp and choose one, it would be Jenna Jameson. I'm way more into 'real' porn (if you call it that, lol) say, oh...GGW ;)
5. Death comes in 3 - James Brown, Gerald Ford... who's next? I have no clue....I really don't think about things like that.
Bonus (as in optional): New Year, New Beginnings - What is your New Year's Resolution? Did you bring the new year in with a bang? =P I don't make resolutions really. Any I might have made I mentioned in my other New Year recap posts. But, really the most important thing is that YES, I did bring in the NY with a bang. ;)
Posted by Vixen ::
8:16 PM ::
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Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year!

Last few days.....
*Took the kiddos to see A Night At The Museum. Highly recommend it. Awesome movie, best one in a long ass time.
*Another snow storm came through.....leaving us with yet another two feet of snow, and MOMB's car stuck at the bottom of the drive way. Once again.
*Received numerous phone calls from concerned family and friends making *sure* I had a good stock of Diet Coke this time. *snort!* I did.....
*Decided to not let the snow fuck with us. MOMD called a snow removal company to come plow the driveway. Ha!
*Tried to find vacuum bags for the worlds cheapest vacuum, which is apparently a very difficult task.
*LP lost her other front tooth.
*The four of us went to see Eragon. Despite the reviews, it was good. I'm really glad we still went.
*Tried to spend the kids gift cards they had gotten for Xmas at Target.....which proved *ahem* difficult. Considering 'oh small one' (LM) was overly tired and had his heart set on a gun that shot pop rocket type thingys that was made for an 8yro.
*LP ended up with another game for her new Nintendo DS. LM, nothing. BECAUSE HE COULDN'T GET HIS MIND OFF THE BLEEPING GUN!!!
LM- I know what I want now, mommy come, let me show you, ook, ook.
Me- *sigh*
LM- [walking up and down the aisles]
Me- (getting frustrated) You aren't showing me anything. WHAT is it you want??? What about this [holding up a cool little boy toy]???
LM- No......I'm ooking! Hang on.....
****repeat five FLIPPING different times****
*The tooth fairy forgot to come. (shit!)
*Stocked up on yummy, divine products at Bath&Body Work's $5 sale. Score!
*Passed on purchasing items at Hollister after seeing the line weaved through like the entire store. Ack.
*Dropped my new pretty ring off to be sized. Ooo'ed and ahhh'ed over all the other pretty, shiny jewelry. I'm a jewelry whore. I admit it. ;)
*The tooth fairy remembered to come. And over compensated. (snort!)
*Took advantage of the tremendous amount of snow and built a snow turtle (hey, shut up, lol, the snow is too 'fluffy' to pack for a snowman. LOL It turned out cute.)
*Picked up numerous art kits to help keep kiddos entertained on day eleven of Christmas break....
*Painted a billion sun catchers.
*Found (finally) vacuum bags for world's cheapest vacuum. Thank fucking god.....
*Spent NYE at home with kiddos, MOMD, pizza and beer (for me, of course....). All but me were passed out by 8:00.....
*Don't worry. MOMD woke up in time to bring in the New Year 'right'. ;)
Edited to's cheapest vacuum is now broken. So much for the chase to find those bags. Fucking thing...:::grumble, grumble:::...

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Posted by Vixen ::
3:03 PM ::
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