Saturday, December 30, 2006
New Year meme....recap of sorts (again, but different)
1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before?
Became involved with someone on the internet? Oh wait...I have done that... Got a divorce. Vowed to never be in an unhealthy relationship again.2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't make them. But this year I actually think I made one to be happier. To make a true and honest effort to *please god* be happy.3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Ummm.....not really.4. Did anyone close to you die?
I lost two of my old doggies this year.....terribly heartbreaking. :(5. What countries did you visit?
Snort....that would require me to be WAY more worldly than I actually am. LMAO! So yeah, the US would be the extent....6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
Less stress, happier, TO SEE MY SISTER MORE7. What dates from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory?
Aug 27 AH moved out, quite a few days in Sept....Sept 26 I received divorce papers from AH....I had filed three days earlier....MOMD officially moved here to be with me, I turned 34.8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Deciding to take control of my life and say 'no more', I'm DONE.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Ugh, my marriage.10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Besides the stomach flu last spring (sickest. ever) not really....11. What was the best thing you bought?
I can't think of anything I really bought this year....some super cute PJ's that I adore, some super sexy and pretty matching bra and Whose behavior merited celebration?
Last spring I made the incredibly difficult decision to have LP repeat 1st grade and it was *the* best decision EVER.....this year she is excelling and happy and proud of herself, where as last year she was struggling and frustrated. It's been like night and day.13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Let's just say, when things get tough, you really find out who your true friends are.....14. Where did most of your money go?
What money, where?! LOL It's been an especially tough year financially...especially when AH moved out and refused to help out with his children. Bc you know, when you are angry at your soon to be ex wife, children don't need to eat. Or wear clothes that fit. Or are 'correct' for the right season....uh huh....[rolling eyes]15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
MOMD moving out here to be with me, LM starting preschool, mustering up the courage to get out of my hopeless marriage, LP doing so well in school.16. What song/album will always remind you of 2006?
Two...."Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol because of MOMD and "Where'd You Go" by Fort Minor because it reminds me of my sister so much, but of so much other things as well.17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
Happier or sadder?
HAPPIER....OMFG....happier.thinner or fatter?
The same.richer or poorer?
Wow. That's a difficult question to answer. I say, neither/nor.18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
More??? Huh. 19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Arguing, being unhappy....20. How will you be spending New Years?
With my kiddos and MOMD....someplace fabulous like Las Vegas would be cool too, lol. 21. Who did you spend the most time on the phone with? sister with out a doubt. Hands *down* people....22. Did you fall in love in 2006?
:) Yes.23. How many one night stands in this last year?
Nada. As promiscuous as I may seem or come across, that's not something I do.24. What was your favorite TV program?
Tie....The OC and Grey's Anatomy. Duh. ;)25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No. I chose to not hate people. There is someone/some people I 'learned' more about. This past year has been very 'eye opening' to me. But no. I don't hate anyone.26. What was the best book(s) you read?
I re-read a bunch of my favorites....specifically "The Notebook" comes to mind. I really enjoyed "Sleeping with Beauty", that was cute. :)27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Snow Patrol.28. What did you want and get?
A happier life? 29. What did you want and not get?
Hmmmm, I honestly can't think of anything.30. What were your favorite films of this year?
Oooo, tough one. I *saw* Crash (was it made in '06????) and *loved* it, very thought provoking. Loved it.31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
...::::sigh:::....I turned 34. (I'm having serious issues with turning 35, it's the first birthday I'm having issues with...) My mom took me shopping. MOMD drove 13 hours to be with me in time for it.32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I know I keep beating a dead horse here, but to not have spent it so insanely unhappy. To have just been able to get along with my husband.33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
Casual nice/cute....I have no fucking clue, LMAO! Think American Eagle....Aeropostale....Hollister. That should sum it up. LOL (don't ask my sister though, she thinks I dress too 'cute-sy'......*snort!*)
34. What kept you sane?
Blogging. My friends. MOMD. My beloved sister. My kids.35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Kiera Knightly, Mathew McConahottie, Rachel Weiss36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Overall- abortion. In general- the war that was declared over but so obviously was not.37. Who did you miss?
My sister.38. Who was the best new person you met?
I met so many *great* and awesome blogging friends this past year! I developed friendships with people I had never met or knew and they have become *rocks* for me. But if I have to get specific, I will say Sarah and MOMD. Sarah has become one of my very best friends and MOMD...well, does that really need much explanation??39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006.
Happiness IS worth it. I'M worth it. I'm stronger than I ever thought I could be. I CAN stand up for myself. Make better decisions for my kids and myself. :)40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year?
"All that I am All that I ever was Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see I don't know where Confused about how as well Just know that these things will never change for us at all If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" Snow Patrol"Where'd you go?I miss you so,Seems like it's been forever,That you've been gone,Please come back home..." Fort Minor"I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother, I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed, I'm your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between, you know you wouldn't want it any other way." Meredith Brooks
Posted by Vixen ::
10:15 PM ::
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Thursday, December 28, 2006
Happy HNT- year end best of the best
Ok. So, this is the last HNT of the year. This weeks assignment was to pick my own personal favorite of the past year's HNT pics. I began doing them in February ' I have almost a year worth of pictures to choose from. It was hard! I had one in mind. And when I read about this idea, it's the one that came to mind first..... But then as I searched through them all, I discovered that I had *three* that I was quite happy with. So. You get three. I couldn't choose. Maybe I can have some help. Which is YOUR favorite?????

Posted by Vixen ::
9:10 PM ::
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Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen of my most predominant memories from 2006 (in honor of the year coming to an end :)
1. Our road trip to San Antonio to spend spring break with one of my beloved friend's and her family. I met other online mommy's. Our six children played fantastically together. Friend and I spent some wonderful time drinking beer, chatting and laughing together. (AH and I fought....big surprise)
2. Meeting eighteen year old hottie....:::swoon:::...
3. AH and I fought/argued continuously and made repeated arrangements to separate.....all of them ending in us remaining together and me wondering how in the hell I could continue to be so insanely unhappy....but saw no way out....
4. Met some *wonderful* online friends. One of them was MOMD. :)
5. My sister and her kiddos came to visit. We did fun things like Six Flags, shopping, sitting around watching our kids play (and actually get along....gasp! LOL) gabbing, PARTYING downtown. It was a KICK ASS time. I hate that I only see her kiddos once a year. They change so much. I hate even more that I only see her once a year. That just MUST change.....
6. Took our last 'family' vacation.....enjoyed an insanely good, stress-free time at Lake McConaughay. This memory will stick with me for a long, long time..... It's just sad that we could get along as well as we did there, but in the reality of our lives *poof* Just. couldn't. I'm happy the children have that memory as well though. It was a fun trip.
7. Came to the conclusion I just. couldn't. do. it. anymore. AH moved out.
8. AH made some severely poor choices that resulted in my life turning upside down and into my own personal hell. My children and I were put in a position that to think back on now....feels 'surreal' in I can't believe it happened to ME. I can't believe AH did the things he did. That things that happened, actually DID. My life, everything I knew....blew up. Became all sorts of chaotic and insane and....I hit a personal low.
9. MOMD moved out here to be with me. To help me feel safe and regain some normalcy for my children and I.
10. I was forced to abandon my blog. The main 'thing' that made me feel BETTER. Made me...left me, feeling OKAY. Discovered quite a few people I had considered 'friends', were actually not so much. Suck, suck, sucky. BUT at the same time realized what great REAL friends I really do have.
11. Went to a KICK ASS Halloween party with a hot Dr ;), me as a Candy Stripper (uh, Striper, lol)....not the exact one I *wanted* to...but still, we had an incredible time. I love to dance. We had SO much fun that night.
12. Became a divorced (almost) woman, the separation agreement is in the final stages. With two kids. Holy cow, I never thought I'd say THAT. But the relief I feel that it's almost to an end is.....insane. (there are a bunch of other emotions accompanied by it....but mostly relief)
13. Fell in love. Became HAPPY. Finally..........fucking finally! :)
Posted by Vixen ::
9:02 AM ::
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Sorority Rush Week Barbie and other random things
Or maybe Ruhipnol Barbie?
LP got this beautiful Rapunzel doll with her Prince as an early Christmas gift. She had long, pretty, perfect ringlets. She was wearing this stunning ball gown. She had a crown that lit up. LP was *in love*. She lovingly placed them on her bed, with the instructions to everyone "Don't let LM play with them!".....and she closed her door tightly so that LM couldn't get to them and off to school she went.
And then her loving mommy (snort) was putting laundry away in her room and accidentally let LM in. Like a magnet he was drawn to the dolls. He wanted those dolls. "Please, please, please can I hold her?! Can I pay wif her?! I'll be nice. Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaasssssssse mommy".
...:::sigh:::...What to do, what to do?!!? I say no, and this big ass temper tantrum ensues. I say yes and I'm allowing him to play with something LP LOVES and risking her being angry with me.
Me- "Okay......BUT. DO NOT take off her clothes. DO NOT hurt her. DO NOT wreck her. Please. BE NICE TO HER. LP *loves* these dolls. Ok??????"
LM- "Ok! Thanks mommy!"......and off he runs with both dolls in hand.
And fifteen minutes later this is what he brings to me.
ROFLMAO! I owe LP a new doll. A doll that when I went to look for a new one, was completely sold out. Duh. DUH!
Anyways. On to bigger and better things. Or maybe not, lol.
Christmas was wonderful. Kiddos were happy. MOMD was happy. I was happy. Big ole happy family. Pictures to come....specifically one. Keyword -Napolian Dynamite. *snort!* Something to look forward to. ;)
Let me tell you all though. I am over the snow. O-V-E-R an enormous, big ass, fucking gigantic way. I don't *mind* the snow. In fact, I happen to love the snow. But I've enough of this white Christmas shit. Seriously. My mom got stuck driving up our driveway Christmas day. Two hours later we got her out. Everyone with me now......[rolling eyes] *NORMALLY* it snows. Ahhh, look at the pretty snow. It melts. *poof* Everything is back to normal..... This time. Not so much. LMAO! Grrrrr....... AND, there is another big ass storm on it's way. Yay......not. I think MOMD is severely traumatized over this last storm. And it's December people. DECEMBER. March- April are our snowiest months.....YET TO COME.
Enough bitching.
I think I may have strep. Oh wait. That's bitching. LOL!
I guess I don't have much more to say then. AH announced to the children he was moving to Az to start up a new business. With his new girlfriend. Huh. I have no idea how that will pan out. I've decided that I do way too much obsessing in my life(I know this about myself, lol) and rather than freak out about this (I actually have pretty much known and suspected since our last mediation about this move), I will just wait and see how it comes about. I have too much else on my plate to worry about and try to make work. I just can't focus on this too. You know?
Happy hump day! Hope everyone had a fanfreakingtastic Christmas. :)
Posted by Vixen ::
9:22 AM ::
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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
TMI Tuesday

1. What is your all-time favorite gift (whether given or received by you)? Easy. The super pretty sapphire ring MOMD gave me.... [happy sigh]
2. Where was the first place you ever passionately kissed? ???? I have had to really think on this....there are numerous occasions that come to mind, but I'm not sure they 'really' qualify. I'm going to go with the bottom of a popular run at a ski resort. It was after midnight, pitch black, we had hiked up the mountain. It was super cold, the snow making machine was running and you could see all the lights below....very romantic and pretty. And passionate, lol.
3. Where was the first place you ever had sex? AH's bedroom in his parent's basement.
4. Have you ever had sex in your parent's home? The house she lives in now??? Hmmm....:::thinking:::....I don't think so. I'm going to say no.
5. Have you ever met anyone in person that you met via your blog? *Snort!* This is an understatment of the year. Yes. I have met.....8 people. Most specificlly MOMD. :) Have you ever kissed anyone you met via your blog? Yes. Several 'anyone's..... Have you ever done more? Ummm.....yeah...... (lmao!)
The bonus was to add your own TMI....I'm feeling highly uncreative and unwilling to divulge more. So no bonus this week. Hey, I love when you guys play along! (....and Bronxbt, no pressure, lol!)
Posted by Vixen ::
8:36 AM ::
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Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!!!

I absolutely *love* this song....
So this is Christmas
and what have you done
another year over
a new one just begun
and so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
the near and the dear ones
the old and the young
a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
let's hope it's a good one
without any fear
and so this is Christmas
for weak and for strong
the rich and the poor ones
the road is so long
and so happy Christmas
for black and for white
for the yellow and red ones
let's stop all the fight
a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
lets hope it's a good one
without any fear
so this is Christmas
and what have you done.......
Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS my friends! :)
Posted by Vixen ::
10:32 AM ::
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
How to make his Xmas an XXXmas
A little something for Christmas Eve. :)
1. Trim his tree.
2. Lick his luscious candy cane.
3. Be his "ho-ho-ho" for the holidays.
4. Polish his Christmas balls.
5. Ride him like a reindeer.
6. Taste his sweet egg-nog.
7. Deck the halls with moans of pleasure.
8. Fa, la, la, latio - la, la, la, la.
9. Spark his menorah with a hot strip tease.
10. Request a stiff stocking stuff-her!
11. Make his Kris Kringle tingle.
12. Gift wrap yourself in sexy lingerie.
13. Unwrap his package.
14. Hang mistletoe from any place you want kissed.
15. Rock his jingle bells in the frosty air.
16. Make your Rudolph's hose as red as his nose.
17. Heat him up with a snow job.
18. Give the Christmas carolers a show of your own.
19. Dress up as Santa's nasty little helper.
20. Make sure you're naughty, so it's nice.
Posted by Vixen ::
8:31 AM ::
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Friday, December 22, 2006
HNT- a day late....
Nobody minds too too much, no? :)
Santa baby outfit came too late.....look for it next Thursday. Sarah was hyped up and made me promise to take lots of pics.
Posted by Vixen ::
11:36 PM ::
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
Hell of high water, I WILL leave the house today Next time it's going to snow, or might be going to snow or like blizzard so hard we can't leave for days please for the love of god REMIND ME TO GET DIET COKE!!!!!!!!!
OMFG. I haven't had a diet coke since *gasp* Tuesday. And people, it's not like I drink a ton of it through out the day. I have like one. Mid day. And by that mid day point, I want my Diet Coke. I neeeeeeeeeeeeed my caffeine. By yesterday afternoon, day TWO of no diet coke, I was having massive withdrawal. I was agitated and pissy and........fuck man. I just wanted one. Do I sound like a crack whore or what?!?!?!?! LMAO!
You know though, at least I had my beer. Now THAT would have been a state of emergency. It's one thing to be without Diet Coke, it's quite another to not have BEER. *snort!*
Anyways. We're almost dug out. We can almost get down our driveway. But I'm telling you, hell or high water I WILL GET A DIET COKE TODAY. We WILL leave the house today. LP has been stuck at AH's house since her school closed mid day Wednesday and on the way to pick her up 'someone's car slide off an embankment ((((MOMD)))) ((((us for being in the car freaking out)))) and thank god I was able to ask him to get her. So LM has been stuck with me. LP has been stuck with AH. And I've been stuck having to listen to LM wish he were with AH you know how unfair it seems to a three year old that his sister gets to be with their daddy while he *doesn't*. Uh huh...... The kiddos are with their daddy this weekend and for once I am almost looking forward to it (hey, I said almost.......). For the mere fact, we have gotten so many presents for the kiddos over the past month, I can't remember where or what it all is. I'm dying to get it all out, and survey it, oooo and ahhhh over it and then wrap it. I love to wrap presents! LMAO!
For those who don't check in over the weekends and since Monday is THE day........MERRY CHRISTMAS! *mmmwwwaaaahhhh*
(and for those that do check in, I'll be posting more over the weekend :)
Posted by Vixen ::
10:32 AM ::
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Thursday Thireen

Thirteen things I would get my blogging pals for Christmas
1. Katherine- a fucking nanny. She asked Santa for one and damn it, I think she deserves one! Oh. And good health. Good GOD....HEALTHINESS.
2. Amy- the Kate Spade bag she is pining after. And in it a plane ticket out here for Christmas.
3. Composer- a freaking camera that doesn't break after having *just replaced* it.... Oh. And a good lay. I'm sure that's on his list to Santa. Just sayin'.....
4. Tink- a house....a perfect house, in a perfect neighborhood, for the perfect price.
5. Suri- Love. Closure. To be with her sister.
6. Breezy- a new blog. Beta and blond proof ;) And happiness with the man I think she wants to be with.
7. Professor- the perfect teaching job that isn't located in Themiddleoffuckingnowhere, Montana. Maybe closer to her hometown? And a man damn it!
8. Bronxbt- I know what I would give him. I can't say here. It's not dirty (just cuz it's me, doesn't mean it is!), just a secret. ;)
9. Sarah- a man. a ticket to meet ME so we could hook up (hey! Get your mind out of the gutter!), let loose and just get our freak on.....we both agree that getting our personalities together would result in a serious kick ass know that saying "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"....I feel fairly safe to say it would come in handy ;)
10. Tequila Girl- twisted Shmirnoff Vodka? LOL! I'm not sure what else she needs, she has a smoking bod, HNT pics TDF, shares my love for VS.....
11. Stealthbombshell- I think she needs money....I may be wrong. For like electricity or something. (lol)
12. Flatman- hmmm.....a membership to a gym where they don't allow stinky women who wear too much perfume to work out. PIMP!
13. Mike- I don't know....he has his doggy....he got to see his son....he has me. What else could he possibly want?! *snort!* (j/k) How about something pretty with lots of lace and crinoline! I know! A REAL 4WD vehicle!!! IDK. He's MOMD, he can have whatever his heart desires. :)
Posted by Vixen ::
9:20 AM ::
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Six Ways to Be Annoying on Christmas
1. Sit in a corner in the fetal position rocking back
and forth chanting, "Santa Claus is coming to town,
Santa Claus is coming to town..."
2. Paint your nose red and wear antlers. Constantly
complain about how you never get to join in on the
reindeer games.
3. Sing "All I want for Christmas is your two front
4. Make anatomically correct gingerbread people and
eat the best parts first.
5. Smoke mistletoe. Do what comes naturally.
6. Take some miniature marshmallows and put them in a
little baggie. Attach a note to the bag that has a
picture of a snow man and this poem:
'You have been naughty, and here's the scoop
All you get is the snowman's poop!'
Your Christmas Stocking Will Be Filled With Little Wrapped Presents |
 You've made Santa a very happy fellow this year. Don't worry - what happens at the North Pole stays at the North Pole! |
*sigh* It's blizzarding. Excuse me as I find ways to entertain myself. LOL!
Posted by Vixen ::
4:20 PM ::
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
TMI Tuesday 12-19-06

1. Is it better to give or receive? Such a difficult question! I *love* to give....I love the sense of control I feel knowing what I'm doing is making the other person feel *insane*.....and I think I'm quite good at 'knowing' things, or being able to 'figure' those things out. That said's hard to beat laying back and *receiving* either....when it feels good. *snort* Like I said, so insanely difficult to respond. I say BOTH. It's better to have BOTH. ;) It's my blog....I can answer that way if I want.
2. What is the most sensitive part on a man/woman's body? Of a man' it bad if I answer that I'm way more familiar with the sensitive areas of a FEMALE? LOL! Let's go w/ MOMD's body, ok? I can run my finger nails in a certain way 'there' before he's completely undressed that I KNOW is very, VERY sensitive (I'm sure he'll love me sharing this with you all, lol). On a female. On ME. My nipples and well, 'that spot' immediately after sex or an intense O *ahem* yeah......
3. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you during sex? (Queefed? Family walked in? Couldn't get it up?) God. Hands down it would be the time that my H.S boyfriend and I were having sex in the back seat of my '72 VW bug in an empty parking lot and the police showed up. It's amazing how difficult it is trying to untangle yourself from another person's body and grab cover yourself up.... And how quickly an officer can show up at your window, asking you to please step out of the vehicle. So. fucking. embarassing. [sigh]
4. Do you like to talk dirty during sex? How dirty does it get? Example! ;) I'm not all that great at it. I am way better at 'walking the walk, than talking the talk'. So to speak. LMAO! With MOMD though it's easier because I know what he likes to talk about and he's really good at prompting me so I places to go with his prompts. :) examples.
5. What do you really want for Christmas? Vibrator? Spanking? That Santa baby outfit from VS damn it! (it's on it's way.... ;) And then to make mad passionate love in it under the tree. With pictures. Of course.
Bonus (as in optional): How often do you masturbate? Masturbate for Peace (lmao!) Well....not as much as I used to. It used to be daily.
*Whew* Holy cow people, these are some seriously difficult questions this week. Good luck. Let's see how many of you even dare to ANSWER them.'s ok. I would love to read answers but I totally understand if you don't.
Posted by Vixen ::
9:20 PM ::
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Monday, December 18, 2006
Frontier Airlines is not my friend

Seriously. Fuck me. To think I am the one who encouraged MOMD to go back to see his adorable son and family and bring back with him his dog that he had been missing terribly. What on earth was I thinking?! First the poor dearheart missed his flight Saturday morning. Traveling during the holidays just flat sucks. Traveling with a ticket marked 'special' (because his return flight involved bringing back his doggy, how in the hell that effects his flight out there with out the dog...I have no fucking clue) sucks that much more. So he was able to move his flight to later that day. And thankfully made that one. So he spends some wonderful time out there. Enjoying his family and his son. (While I miss him an insane amount at home, and have two completely sleepless
I beg him to make the earlier flight in Monday morning, this morning. He drags his butt out of bed at 2:00a.m to get to the airport on time, to prevent NOT missing that flight. I get a call at 5:00a.m my time..... He made it to the airport with little doggy in tow, in plenty of time. But. Yes. BUT the health certificate required for doggy to fly was misplaced. Oooooo....lovely. Luckily his Ex was willing to drive to the airport to deliver the health cert to him. (super DUPER nice of her, especially considering she is NOT a morning person, so I hear, bless her heart) Wonderful.
Oh wait. There is apparently California (????) and the plane can't take off. Okay...... Flight is delayed.
And delayed...
And delayed.....
Oh guess what?! The crew has now been 'on' for over twenty-four hours now and can't fly. NOW they need a new crew to fly the plane. Huh. Give me a second here to vent.
Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!?
So, now at THIS point. The flight MOMB was ORIGINALLY on (that yes, no need to point out to me, that *I* asked him to switch has since boarded. And taken off. And is on it's way here. Meanwhile, MOMD and Doggy (poor little guy wondering what in the hell he signed up for) are stuck waiting for a plane to maybe or maybe not....board and fly home.
MOMD's laptop is dead. His cell is dead. I'm missing him something fierce. He's trapped in an airport that is only a mere two hour flight away. The next 'scheduled' flight in isn't until 8:00 tonight.
Insanity. Pure insanity. Is someone out there somewhere trying to tell us something?!?!!
See if I ever let him go anywhere with out me again. Humpf.
Update: His plane did take off finally at 1:00 ( you know...only SIX HOURS after it was supposed to!!!). I'm not holding my breath just yet. ~*~*~*Fingers crossed~*~*~ that doggy made the flight and everything from here on out goes smoothly. My god.....
Posted by Vixen ::
1:13 PM ::
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Cookies anyone? Hmmm???

Snort! I so totally wanted to make these! Thanks to the TMI site for sharing these with everyone.
Ok. So I have random shit to talk about. Just 'stuff'.
This weekend was Project "Bake until you drop".....or, more like 'don't care to wash another bowl, mix another batter, roll more dough, cut another shape, decorate another cookie, smell another baked good'..... (yes people, try not to be too terribly surprised, lol....I bake, and I love to do so ;). Seven different 'things' later (pumpkin bread, Gingerbread cookies, sugar cookies, fudge, pretzel kisses and cookie bars, oh, and a gingerbread house) my kitchen is filled with baked goods. And I am officially 'baked' out. Wonderful. But I do look forward to this every year. It's a fun thing to do with the kids, I know they look forward to it and I like to think the recipients do as well. :)
Anyways. I have a super big bitch. Blogger is not my friend. Wait. I do like to bitch about Blogger. But this bitch is much more specific. BETA is a bitch. THE bitch. Seriously it's a conspiracy, it must be. In the past week I have had to jump through hoops to comment on *beta* sites. And *beta* people have had to jump through hoops to comment on *non beta*sites. I see the 'master plan'....they are trying to impose upon us the 'beta' version. Well, fuck you Blogger! I'm not so sure I want to switch to beta. I am not sold and not so sure I want to switch. And ok, so I *do* switch....then all my little friends who DON'T have beta will have to jump through hoops to comment. Ok wait, give me a moment to think about this for a moment.
Uh huh. Ok. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good fucking lord. Ugh.
On to other things, not so much better or greater, lol. Remember the nail I smashed in the stroller about a month ago, almost two months. I smashed the hell out of that thing. And I *knew* I was in for trouble with it because it hurt like hell and immediately got nasty looking. Well, it became completely unattached from the nail bed, but still attached at the cuticle. And I was insanely fearful that the nail would catch on something and get ripped off. Ewwwwwwwwwwww, I know. I'm sorry, blech. Well. The damn thing finally fell off. And man oh man. It's nasty. It's gross. It's soooooooo insanely NON pretty like. I am O-V-E-R this nail, having to constantly have to wear a band aide at all times, having to look at it, having to worry about it, having to HAVE it. Yuck. Just go away already. ...:::sigh:::... Nice try, it supposably takes like a year for something like this to heal. Great.
Oh. And MOMD flew back home to visit with his son and family this weekend. I missed him an *insane* amount. But more than anything, I missed him laying next to me at night. Being able to reach over and touch him when I felt like it. To slide over and press my body into his, rest my cheek on his chest, feel his rhythmic breathing, feel his kisses on the top of my head when I do this..... [heavy sigh]'ll be nice to have him home. It would be nice to get some sleep again. (lol)
Happy's a short week, meaning LP has school through Wednesday and then is off until after the New Year. Christmas is only *8* days away! HOLY COW people!
Posted by Vixen ::
12:09 AM ::
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
Barbie's Letter to Santa
c/o Mattel, Inc.
El Segundo, CA 90245
Santa Claus
North Pole, North Pole
December 23, 1996
Dear Santa:
Listen you ugly little troll, I've been helping you out every year, playing at being the perfect Christmas Present, wearing skimpy bathing suits in frigid weather, and drowning in fake tea from one too many tea parties, and I hate to break it to ya Santa, but IT'S DEFINITELY PAYBACK TIME! There had better be some changes around here this Christmas, or I'm gonna call for a nationwide meltdown (and trust me, you won't wanna be around to smell it). So, here's my holiday wish list:
1. A nice, comfy pair of sweat pants and a frumpy, oversized sweatshirt. I'm sick of looking like a hooker. How much smaller are these bathing suits gonna get? Do you have any idea what it feels like to have nylon and velcro crawling up your butt?
2. Real underwear that can be pulled on and off. Preferably white. What bonehead at Mattel decided to cheap out and MOLD imitation underwear to my skin?!? It looks like cellulite!
3. A REAL man...maybe GI Joe. Hell, I'd take Tickle-Me Elmo over that wimped-out excuse for a boytoy Ken. And what's with that earring anyway? If I'm gonna have to suffer with him, at least make him (and me) anatomically correct.
4. Arms that actually bend so I can push the aforementioned Ken-wimp away once he is anatomically correct.
5. Breast reduction surgery. I don't care whose arm you have to twist, get it done.
6. A jogbra. To wear until I get the surgery.
7. A new career. Pet doctor and school teacher just don't cut it. How about a systems analyst? Or better yet, a public relations senior account exec!
8. A new, more hip persona. Maybe "PMS Barbie", complete with a miniature container of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and a bag of chips; "Animal Rights Barbie", with my very own paint gun, outfitted with a fake fur coat, bottle of spray on blood and handcuffs; or "Stop Smoking Barbie," sporting a removable Nicotrol patch and equipped with several packs of gum.
9. No more McDonald's endorsements. The grease is wrecking my vinyl.
10. Mattel stock options. It's been 44 years--I think I deserve it.
Ok, Santa, that's it. Considering my valuable contribution to society, I don't think these requests are out of line. If you disagree, then you can find yourself a new bitch for next Christmas.
It's that simple.
Yours truly,
Posted by Vixen ::
10:20 PM ::
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Because Composer gave me shit about *not* posting on wkends....
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Color the things that are true about you.
3. Whatever you don’t COLOR (left in black) is false.
01. I miss somebody right now
02. I don’t watch much TV these days
03. I love olives
04. I love sleeping
05. I own lots of books
06. I wear glasses or contact lenses (well....*should*, to drive at
07. I love to play video games
08. I’ve tried marijuana
09. I’ve watched porn movies
10. I have been in a threesome
11. I have had sex with a member of the same sex.
12. I believe honesty is usually the best policy
13. I have acne free skin
14. I like and respect Al Sharpton
15. I curse frequently
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year
17. I have a hobby
18. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
19. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me (is this a fucked up question or WHAT?! LMAO!)
20. I’m really, really smart
21. I’ve never broken someone’s bones
22. I have had an affair with a married person (*sigh*)
23. I hate the rain
24. I’m paranoid at times (understatement.....)
25. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe and free of cost. (well....would and umm....did....damn though...wasn't free ;)
26. I need money right now!
27. I love Sushi
28. I talk really, really fast
29. I have fresh breath in the morning
30. I have semi-long hair
31. I have lost money in Las Vegas
32. I have at least one brother and/or one sister
33. I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
34. I shave my legs (females) or face (males) on a regular basis
35. I have a twin
36. I have worn fake hair/nails/eyelashes in the past
37. I couldn’t survive without Caller I.D. (...:::sigh:::...I really can't...but I don't have much choice, lol)
38. I like the way that I look a lot of the time
39. I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months
40. I know how to do cornrows
41. I am usually pessimistic
42. I have a lot of mood swings (this is difficult, I can be moody but I don't think necessarily I'd define them as "a lot" or "mood swings")
43. I think prostitution should be legalized
44. I think Britney Spears is hot (or at least 'WAS' before she exhumed trailer trash-ness)
45. I contribute my all at work (my kids!)
46. I have a hidden talent ;)
47. I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have
48. I feel my life is pretty complete
49. I want a relationship with someone I can't have
50. I have gotten more than 1 ticket in the last year
51. I enjoy talking on the phone
52. I practically live in PJ pants
53. I love to shop
54. I would rather shop than eat
55. I would classify myself as ghetto
56. I’m snobby and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders
57. I’m obsessed with shoes.
58. I don’t hate anyone
59. I’m a pretty good dancer (*snort!* I'm not sure the fact that I LOVE to is the same as being GOOD, LOL!)
60. I don’t think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington
61. I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother
62. I have a cell phone
63. I prefer to work alone
64. I watch MTV on a daily basis
65. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months (*ahem* the wkend before Halloween I would have to guess....:::::sigh:::::....)
66. I love drama
67. I am willing to try any type of new food
68. I have a fear of flying
69. I have never been to a big concert
70. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life
71. I want to have children in the future
72. I have changed a diaper before (LOLOLOLOLOLOL!)
73. I’ve called the cops on a friend before (....or an ex husband....)
74. I bite my nails
75. I am a member of the Tom Green fan club
76. I’m not allergic to anything
77. I have a lot to learn
78. I think I know more than I really do
79. I plan on seeing Ice Cube’s newest "Friday" movie
80. I am very shy around the opposite sex sometimes
81. I’m online 24/7, even as an away message
82. I have at least 5 away messages saved
83. I have tried alcohol or drugs before (....uh yeah...LOLOLOLOLOL)
84. I have made a move on a friend’s significant other in the past
85. I own the "South Park" movie
86. I’ve been to Europe.
87. When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbor or friend
88. I enjoy some country music
89. I would die for my best friends
90. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza
91. I watch soap operas whenever I can
92. I’m obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist
93. I have used my sexuality to advance my career
94. I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all
95. I know all the words to Slick Rick’s "Children’s Story"
96. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy
97. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it
98. I have dated a close friend’s ex
99. I’m happy as of this moment
100. I need to get laid (well....this is me almost ALL the time, lol.....but I won't to me come Monday after MOMD has been gone all wkend though.... ;)
Posted by Vixen ::
7:28 AM ::
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Friday, December 15, 2006
To clarify
Because the question was raised about which VS outfit I was pining after, lol. Here you all go. And for any of you wishing to buy this for me for Christmas, you can find it here. (I wear a 34C and XS)
Posted by Vixen ::
10:06 AM ::
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
HNT- it's been a long ass time, eh?
Ta-Da! The infamous bubble picture I've promised. LOL! Ok, so the theme this month is Christmas (duh, lol!). I have seen some *really* great ones, like here and Tequila Girl especially has some kick ass ones (she actually has the VS outfit I am pining after :). Maybe there will be more to come and it will include a Christmas one. You never know! And I think MOMD and I still owe pictures from a photo shoot including the skirt in my avatar. ;)
Happy HNT!
Posted by Vixen ::
9:43 PM ::
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Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen of my favorite Christmas songs (in no particular order)
1. Christmas in Sarajevo (Trans-Siberian Orchestra) ***love, love, LOVE this song***
2. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
3. Jingle Bell Rock
4. Winter Wonderland
5. Silent Night
6. White Christmas
7. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause
8. Silver Bells
9. So This Is Christmas
10. It's Beginning to Look A Lot like Christmas
11. Let it Snow
12. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
13. Santa Baby (has anyone seen the VS commercial with this song???? I *heart* this commercial!)
Posted by Vixen ::
7:14 AM ::
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
And this is how it happened....
We'll do it all
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life
Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads
I need your grace
to remind me
to find my own
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life
All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see
I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
First off. This song *rocks*. It's one of my most favoritest songs *ever*. I could listen t0 it a billion, trillion times. It's 'our' song. If you listen to the words, they so totally hit home for MOMD and I. I turned him onto the song and I think he feels about it the same way as I do about it (seeing as it's the ringtone on both of our cell phones, I think this is fairly safe to :)
Back in June. MOMD and I became friends. For what ever reason that I don't question, he started posting on my blog. He had a wife at the time. I had a husband. I WAS NOT looking for anything at the time. Nor, by any means, was he. (This is important to remember, please keep this in mind) We began emailing. It started out casual.... But it became a very close friendship. He shared with me all his faults, trivial and non trivial things that had effected his life...his marriage...that caused him to be him...caused his marriage to be failing. He read my blog. Beginning to present. We made a habit to be open and honest with one another. The major fault in AH and mines relationship was that even though we had been together for almost 16 years, it was unhealthy. I knew it from the very beginning but 'allowed' it continue to transpire in that manner. Let it be the WAY IT WAS....And after you allow something to become what it's incredibly difficult, insanely difficult to make it be 'better'.
MOMD and I made it a practice to lay it on the line. We vowed to be true and honest with one another. Never with an intention that it would be anything other than this inevitable friendship. We both entered into a platonic friendship that was solely based from a mindset:
"This is me and take me for who I am"
I was done pretending. Done trying to be someone I wasn't. Done bending over backwards to make "me", "us" work (like I had fought tooth and nail to do in my current relationship). He was all about "THIS" is who I am. And so was I.
And this insane attraction developed. And....I fell in love, with out any intention of doing so. I dove into this period of my life that was unfathomable. Something I am incapable of, is loving two people. I can not desire, wish to have in my life, numerous people. Flames. However you may view it.
AH came home from a hunting trip (time frame of August) in 'rare form'....and I decided at that moment I was done. D-O-N-E For over a year I had put up with his insane jealousy (which was not justified at the time), his absurd accusations (again, unjustified), his stalking of my every move, I had became more and more unhappy as he became more and more controlling. The nightly arguing, constant walking on egg shells, never knowing *when* he would blow up.
Events that followed are sketchy and unclear. Mainly because it seems so SURREAL. (and probably of no real importance to others)
My husband did some horribly, awful things (early September). I was put in a position that no one. NO ONE, should have to be in. And MOMD was who I called in my moment of crisis. My moment of realizing my life, me, the children and I were.....not ok. He at one time had told me if I ever needed him he would be there. I needed him. I called him and asked him to come. Come be with me. Come help me cope with my fucked up life. The chaoticness that my life became. And he did. He dropped everything. He sacrificed everything he knew to come be with me. He flew in 'the weekend' that everything blew up. Then he drove over 13 hours, less than two weeks later, to stay with me permanently. To be here. I was in a serious state of of self destruction. The upheaveal of my life did me in. My decision making skills died with my marriage. I suppose on a level I felt like because I couldn't keep my marriage together, couldn't make that work that nothing in my life would work. I made some very poor decisions that I am still to this day dealing with.
But in the end...when you fast forward to today. I have found the man of my dreams. I have not and do not compromise who I am. What I am. Myself. There are days, more often than I like, that I feel 'damaged'. I deal with on a daily basis what AH did to me. How he left me feeling. Relationships are hard enough with out having to deal with a nasty divorce, three young children (his and mine), ex husbands/wives, debt.....but we have done it. We continue to do it.
And that, my friends, is how we became 'us'. As I've said in the past, numerous times. I don't condone things I've done. Routes I've taken to get to where I am. But here I am. And while I would never ask anyone to support my decisions or the route I took to get here. It's what transpired and how I got to where I am. How I obtained happiness in the craziness of life.
So. I don't know. Cheers. :)

Posted by Vixen ::
12:17 AM ::
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
TMI Tuesday 12-12-06

1. What is the sexiest part of your (or a) lover's body? How to decide?! His lips...his AMAZING arms... his AMAZING upper body... his AMAZING ass... his pierced nipples... Ok. I go with his lips. They are ultra sexy. ~giggle~
2. What is the un-sexiest part? LMAO, this is a totally unfair question! Honestly, there is nothing. He meets all my 'requirements' in a man , shaves where he should, is not ape man (in ANY way, shape or form...btw ;) So. Sorry. Nothing to dish here....move along people....
3. What makes you feel sexiest … item of clothing, food, music, film, timbre of someone’s voice/accent/dialect, alcoholic beverage, etc.? A pair of GOOD fitting jeans...something that shows off my cleavage...heels...matching bra and panties....alcohol in GENERAL gets me 'there' and brings out 'that' side of me!
4. What is you least favorite sexual position? Doggy style. It just does...NOTHING. for. me. And is usually fairly uncomfortable. Pass.
5. What do you wish your (or a) partner would do to you? Wow. Actually....there is nothing I can think of that I wouldn't ask of him/her.
Bonus (as in optional): What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done? Hmmm....wouldn't YOU all like to know! (lol) I've participated in some *very* fun orgy's.... I've had sex (and done 'other' things) in some *very* public places.... I've....well. I'm just not sure what would constitute *most* kinky and not sure I'd be willing to share 'details'. ;)
Your turn!
Posted by Vixen ::
8:30 AM ::
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Sunday, December 10, 2006
Home is where the heart is.
HOLY FUCK. The weekend comes to a screeching halt. It freaking *flew* by.
We saw two movies (Blood Diamond....violent but very thought provoking, very good and very well done and The Holiday....super cute, Cameron Diaz wears fuzzies and looks super snuggy but hot the entire movie, Jude Law is his usual epitome of hotness and the others compliment the movie well, very sweet.
Toured the preschool we enrolled LM in, he will start in January. Woo Hoo!!!! He is so incredibly ready and is stoked to have 'friends' of his own. I'm super excited for him.
Attended my mother's 'Holiday Tea'/ 60th birthday party (shhhhh.....) where I was the only one in the room under fifty. Let me tell you how guilty and retarded I felt discussing with my sister only the day before, how 'old' I felt being so close to 'official' mid thirties.....LOL. Yes. I suck. Attendees included four of her friends whom she'd been roommates with in college (isn't that amazing to have friends, to KNOW people you are still close to forty years later?!?!), her best friend BC (Before Children ;) whom is normally fairly snarky and opinionated (yet this time we got along amazingly well), and teacher friends (have I mentioned my mother is a retired Lang Arts teacher, turned substitute???). We played games. I was the suckiest at one game containing 'tea phrases' (has anyone heard of falling 'ass over tea kettle?!?!) yet the best at 'tea party etiquette'...who knew all those tea parties I throw for my children and sit through at my mom's house would pay off! LMAO!
Enjoyed a divine dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Carraba's. Yummmmm!
Finally playlisted my iPod. MOMD is a huge rock (hard rock) freak fan. *ahem* But also had a ton of 'other' songs'. And had WAY more songs downloaded than I could ever fathom, lol. It was fun to finally go through them all. And now instead of my previous 28 some songs (snort!), I have like 500.....I know....*GASP*
Got a bunch of Christmas shopping done, or at least close to done. I'm feeling way less stressed about Christmas coming in exactly two weeks. THAT feels good.
Picked up the kids, who where excited, happy and I am stoked to report, seemed well adjusted. This is possibly *the* smoothest transition since AH was able to see the kiddos again since the 'blow up'. You just have no....NO idea how happy this makes my heart. Rock on people. Life is going to be ok. You know? :)
And while I felt like I was on the brink of tears the entire weekend. I survived. I did it. [sigh] HUGE accomplishment on my part, I'm telling you...
Ok so, I have several *all time favorite* Christmas songs. I will start counting them down as we progress towards Christmas. The first I'll start with, I absolutely *love*. It rocks. ~*~*~*fingers crossed~*~*~*~ it works properly.
Man. I really had very little time to like sit and THINK this I didn't get my intro of MOMD written out. I will try, I promise. Continue to sit on the edge of your seats! LOL...
Posted by Vixen ::
10:43 PM ::
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Friday, December 08, 2006
"Your heart never breaks, but it goes through a process of getting stronger."
For a long while I felt I was in survival mode. I had so many things going on. So many 'things' happened at once. And it wasn't until recently that I even realized I was running in 'survival mode'. And now I am slowly moving out of that mode and emotions are bombarding me.
Guilt.....because it has hit me like a ton of bricks how much I hurt my ex husband. Although he treated me badly, although I was insanely unhappy and try as I might to 'fix' things, I. just. couldn't. He was still in love with me. Even up to the end he was trying to convince me that staying together was the 'right' thing to do. He was making promises of how he could change..... And seeing him now what seems like all. the. freaking. time....well. It's hard. Its this constant reminder.
Guilt....because my children miss their daddy. They cry for him when it's time for me to pick them up and take them home. A little piece of my heart just *breaks* when I have to pry LM out of AH's arms as he cries for his daddy. Ugh.
Exhaustion....because for so long I was in a guarded mode. I am familiar with, have a habit of living my life, wearing my emotions on my sleeve. And I held it together for the most part because I knew I needed to get through this, and now I feel my emotions weighing me down. I mean it's better. I'm soooooooooo much happier. But so many things have changed. So many different aspects. And sometimes I just feel this huge weight from keeping it all together. No matter how out of control, no matter how 'unknown' things were/are....I have made myself act on the fact that everything would be ok. And maybe partially knowing that things will and ARE going to be ok makes me insanely relieved. Which also makes me somewhat emotional.
Helplessness....because there is nothing more I can do. I am doing the best I can. I make sure my kiddos know I want them to love their father. I have gone to great lengths to make sure he is a part of their lives. I do the best I can to hide the fact that them not being near me kills me. Breaks my heart. That I miss them so terribly when they are away.
I knew it would be hard. Difficult. But I never fathomed it would be *this* insanely difficult. I just didn't. You know? ....::::sigh::::.... It will get easier. I KNOW it will. I just wish that would hit me sooner than later.
Gratitude....because with out MOMD I don't know how I would have done it. I don't know how I could have. My mom made a weird statement to me. She told me that I was an 'odd duck'. I am?! How's THAT!?! She meant it in the fact that I am such an exceptionally lucky person to have stumbled upon someone as great as MOMD. Someone who was willing to love me and my children as unconditionally as he has. I don't think I've ever mentioned or that some of you know that MOMD picked up his life and left everything behind to be with me. I hit a horrible point and he came, he drove over thirteen hours to make sure he made it in time for my birthday. It's easy to get caught up in my own....difficultness and things I'm having a hard time dealing with (like having the children be away so much over the holidays). But him being away from his family I know is insanely difficult for him.
Oh well. Thanks to Suri for the awesome quote. :)
The kiddos are with AH this weekend. I'm fighting down the sick feeling that tends to settle in my mind and heart and stomach when they are going to be gone. When they are gone. This weekend is "Operation Christmas Shopping". Wish us luck! Enjoy your weekend!
Oh. Something else. Breezy and Professor have expressed interest in me sharing my story of how MOMD and I 'hooked' up, happened upon one another. I know a few of you (ok, lol four of you, snort!) know already. It was all very hush hush, it had to be. It was something that happened behind the scenes, that caused me to loose quite a few 'so called' friends. Or maybe I like to look at it, as I realized who my TRUE friends were. There was quite an uproar in internet land for those who did know what was going on. But this weekend I will try working on a recap of sorts. I think. ;)
Posted by Vixen ::
10:57 AM ::
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Thursday, December 07, 2006
Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen moments I love in the bedroom and other places (kicking it up a does that song go...'it's getting hot in here....' ;)
1. When he comes up behind me, kissing my neck and at the same time grabs my ass, pulling me into him.
2. When he approaches me (seemingly innocently) and out of the blue kisses me passionately. Butterflies. every. single. time.
3. His hands running down the silhouette of body when I'm lying on my side.
4. The way his body feels against mine when he slides up behind me in bed in the middle of the night and we're both naked.
5. How he makes my breath catch when he touches my inner thigh.
6. His breathe on my inner thigh. The sweet kisses he places that are just. not. quite. there.
7. The feeling of his weight against me as he slowly lowers himself onto me.
8. That first moment. The one that makes me loose my breathe and exhale at the same time....the one that comes out as a heavy sigh. (or moan) ;)
9. Butterfly kisses that start at the base of my neck, down my spine, to the small of my back.
10. Butterfly kisses that start at that 'sweet spot' of my collarbone, down my stomach, to my hips.
11. The insane and awesome feeling of control I have knowing I can do anything to him I want....and he won't stop me.
12. The perfect way his lips feel against mine when we kiss.
13. What he whispers in my ear in the heat of the moment.
(ok, ok.....I kept it fairly tame.....this time, lol)
Posted by Vixen ::
7:42 AM ::
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Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Meme Meme!!!
I'm all about stealing these things. I stole this from that hottie Composer, who stole it from the divine Professor, who stole it from.....well, you get the idea.
1. Explain what ended your last relationship. He was an ass??? An insanely, jealous freak??? He controlled my every move??? Treated me like shit??? Divorce??? LOL...probably all of the above.
2. When was the last time you shaved? Yesterday morning.....everything. ;)
3. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? Drinking coffee, getting LP ready for school...
4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Drinking coffee, getting LP ready for, it's just after 8 now.
5. Are you any good at math? LOLOLOLOLOL....uh no. Nada. Not. at. all. I suck in a huge, serious way at math.
6. Your prom night? Well....which one?! I went to 3 different ones. My boyfriend's junior and senior prom *rocked*. My senior prom sucked ass (AH was a total drag and made me skip out on it earlier than I would have liked, to go to a totally lame ass party...I would have much rather stayed at prom with my friends), but I had a gorgeous dress and we looked hot. That counts for something, right? :)
7. Do you have any famous ancestors? Not that I'm aware of.
8. Have you had to take a loan out for school? Ummm....once. When I went to school to become a Vet Technician. The other two times, no.
9. Do you know the words to the song on your Myspace profile? Huh. Well, that would require me to actually *have* a Myspace profile, eh?
10. Last thing received in the mail? A bill and leggings from Hollister :)
11. How many different beverages have you had today? As mentioned earlier, it's early. So far only coffee.
12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machine? Depends on who I am calling. I really am not much of a phone person. If I feel it's important I do. If I'm calling someone who I know well has caller ID...usually no. I figure they will see I called and call me back.
13. Whom did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? Oh god....Bruce Springsteen. For my 13th birthday my dad rented a limo and took my best friend and I.
14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? I have.
15. What was the most painful dental procedure you have had? My eight some odd years of braces was not so fun....
16. What is out your back door? A pretty little cream colored wolf hybrid. The dog's yard is out back. And besides that a mountain side.
17. Any plans for Friday night? It's AH's wkend to have the kiddos. I suppose my intentions are to drink heavily and do as much as possible to keep my mind off of that. (lol) Oh and hey, maybe have hot, passionate sex on the *gasp* COUCH (since there will be no little ones present....).
18. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair? Yes, I do. It actually looks good, lol, it gets that touseled, beach babe look!
19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns? Not me personally. It's been given as a 'family' gift at one point or another though. I've never eaten any of it.
20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? Yes. We have a really cool one. I would love to take the kiddos sometime.
21. Do you re-use towels after you shower? Yes, for a couple times. I change them pretty frequently.
22. Some things you are excited about? Christmas shopping, Christmas time in general, the snow is melting and being able to run again, baking with the children next weekend.
23. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? Cherry!
24. Describe your keychain(s). It's so totally says "I WANT TO BE BARBIE, THE BITCH HAS EVERYTHING" *snort!*
25. Where do you keep your change? In my wallet, in my purse. Spare change around the house gets thrown in a jar in the laundry room and every so often I give it to LP to take and turn into cash.
26. What kind of winter coat do you own? I have several- a Columbia heavy winter coat w/ fleece liner that I wear to play outside, but my main coat that I wear day to day and *LOVE* is from Aeropostle and is dark green w/ a furry collar that is sooooooo soft.
27. What was the weather like on your graduation day? OMG.....I have NO freaking clue.... We went out partying the night before and I never went to sleep. Graduation was at like 10 in the morning. It was inside. I remember going vaguely, then went come home to crash until my best friend's graduation party that night.
28. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? These days closed. Used to never be able to sleep with it closed.
Posted by Vixen ::
8:35 AM ::
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Tuesday, December 05, 2006
TMI Tuesday 12-5-06

1. Ever had your toes sucked on? Yes. Not so into that.
2. Ever had a hickey... sexy or trashy? Why? LOL, yes. I have. I think they are sexy on the inner thigh, breast..... I do love to give them. A nicely placed one on the object of my's a turn on. It's hot.
3. Ever stolen from a store? If so, what? Oh god, yes.... I *really* wanted these dolls. My dad wouldn't buy them for me, so I did what any stupid kid would do. I put them in my backpack and then as we drove away from the store I took them out to play with them. It was my one and ONLY spanking from my dad.... I've never stolen since. *snort*
4. Ever got a speeding ticket? If so, how many? One. I was 21. Never again. I don't speed. Like. EVER.
5. Ever faked an orgasm? Am I chick?! Well, that answers THAT. PIMP! Yes. But I don't anymore. There is just no reason to.
Bonus (as in optional): What's the trick to being multiorgasmic? I have no clue what the 'trick' is....talent??? Luck??? LOL All I know is that *I* am and I am soooooo incredibly thankful! ;)
Ok my friends....let's hear how YOUR answers....
Posted by Vixen ::
10:36 AM ::
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Monday, December 04, 2006
The weekend
*Got even more snow Friday never warmed up much from the *last* time it snowed so this left us with two feet or so. That's a hell of a lot of snow for us this time of year.
*LM woke up and excitedly asked "Is it Christmas yet!?!?!?" ....No dude, not yet.
*Decided the goat that thinks he's a dog really does need to sleep in the barn. Him standing on the front porch, pawing at the doorstep and peeking in while we watch TV just doesn't work for me/us. LOL
*Was *this close* to getting vehicle #2 stuck in the freakin' sucky ass driveway.
*Had the same neighbor who hasn't spoken to us, acknowledged us or even SMILED in our direction since we first moved in almost five years ago, offer *out of the blue* to plow our driveway... Shocking...but incredibly sweet. And made SUCH a difference. [whew]
*Drove all over BFE and visited *six* different children's clothing store trying to find a very specific outfit for LP's Christmas program, before FINALLY at the SEVENTH store finding something that would do. Seriously. *Thank fucking lord*
*Ate lunch at the world's busiest's grand opening was Thursday. But still, you've never seen a fast food restaurant going OFF like this one was.
*Had the world's largest costumed cow put his arm/leg/hoof/whatthefuckever around me. He must know I don't eat beef. ;)
*Found *the* perfect tree pretty much upon just stepping out of the car at the tree lot.
*Decorated the perfect tree with two *very* excited exuberant children.....that was fun in a hectic, fry your nerves kind of a stressful
*Took a kazillion photos in front of the perfect tree. I thought we got some good ones.
*Discovered upon downloading the pictures and attempting to set them in templates that they won't work. Damn it.
*LM woke up and excitedly asked "Is it Christmas yet!?!?!?" ....No dude, not yet.
*Bundled up the kiddos to play in the snow (ie. Wintery Wonderland) and try to catch some cool pics for Xmas cards.
*Got a billion awesome ones of LM and next to none of LP....she's usually a camera whore, I have no clue what her deal was. ????
*Attempted to find a white, ruffled apron for LP's Xmas program (the final item needed in Mission Impossible: Christmas program outfit). Searched an. entire. mall. No luck. Red. Cream. Striped. Blue with trains. Pink with a Princess tiara's. Pretty much, you name it, we found it. Unless you are meaning the WHITE RUFFLED APRON we needed. Fuck. Seriously.
*MOMD decided that the music teacher that had the brilliant idea and thought up this costume will not be receiving a Christmas present from us....he's only half kidding. It's a Christmas program people!!!
*Waited in line to have children's pic taken with Santa. This Santa rocks. He's *so* real.
*LMAO though when after the first picture was a dud and the 'elf' chick offered to re-take it, it was even worse and she exclaimed "OH! This one is CUTE!" Snort! Chick, I'm on to you. No shit you don't want to take another pic. It's fine [shrug] It's hanging on the fridge, and really it's not so bad. (lol)
*Went grocery shopping at our totally awesome Super WM.....where they must be waiting for a shipment to restock because they were out of freaking *EVERYTHING*. So totally annoying.
And then it was Monday again.
And again, LM woke up and excitedly asked "Is it Christmas yet!?!?!?" ....No. NO. NOT YET.
Posted by Vixen ::
7:09 AM ::
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