Secrets of a Blue Eyed Vixen

Monday, December 04, 2006

The weekend

*Got even more snow Friday never warmed up much from the *last* time it snowed so this left us with two feet or so. That's a hell of a lot of snow for us this time of year.

*LM woke up and excitedly asked "Is it Christmas yet!?!?!?" ....No dude, not yet.

*Decided the goat that thinks he's a dog really does need to sleep in the barn. Him standing on the front porch, pawing at the doorstep and peeking in while we watch TV just doesn't work for me/us. LOL

*Was *this close* to getting vehicle #2 stuck in the freakin' sucky ass driveway.

*Had the same neighbor who hasn't spoken to us, acknowledged us or even SMILED in our direction since we first moved in almost five years ago, offer *out of the blue* to plow our driveway... Shocking...but incredibly sweet. And made SUCH a difference. [whew]

*Drove all over BFE and visited *six* different children's clothing store trying to find a very specific outfit for LP's Christmas program, before FINALLY at the SEVENTH store finding something that would do. Seriously. *Thank fucking lord*

*Ate lunch at the world's busiest's grand opening was Thursday. But still, you've never seen a fast food restaurant going OFF like this one was.

*Had the world's largest costumed cow put his arm/leg/hoof/whatthefuckever around me. He must know I don't eat beef. ;)

*Found *the* perfect tree pretty much upon just stepping out of the car at the tree lot.

*Decorated the perfect tree with two *very* excited exuberant children.....that was fun in a hectic, fry your nerves kind of a stressful

*Took a kazillion photos in front of the perfect tree. I thought we got some good ones.

*Discovered upon downloading the pictures and attempting to set them in templates that they won't work. Damn it.

*LM woke up and excitedly asked "Is it Christmas yet!?!?!?" ....No dude, not yet.

*Bundled up the kiddos to play in the snow (ie. Wintery Wonderland) and try to catch some cool pics for Xmas cards.

*Got a billion awesome ones of LM and next to none of LP....she's usually a camera whore, I have no clue what her deal was. ????

*Attempted to find a white, ruffled apron for LP's Xmas program (the final item needed in Mission Impossible: Christmas program outfit). Searched an. entire. mall. No luck. Red. Cream. Striped. Blue with trains. Pink with a Princess tiara's. Pretty much, you name it, we found it. Unless you are meaning the WHITE RUFFLED APRON we needed. Fuck. Seriously.

*MOMD decided that the music teacher that had the brilliant idea and thought up this costume will not be receiving a Christmas present from us....he's only half kidding. It's a Christmas program people!!!

*Waited in line to have children's pic taken with Santa. This Santa rocks. He's *so* real.

*LMAO though when after the first picture was a dud and the 'elf' chick offered to re-take it, it was even worse and she exclaimed "OH! This one is CUTE!" Snort! Chick, I'm on to you. No shit you don't want to take another pic. It's fine [shrug] It's hanging on the fridge, and really it's not so bad. (lol)

*Went grocery shopping at our totally awesome Super WM.....where they must be waiting for a shipment to restock because they were out of freaking *EVERYTHING*. So totally annoying.

And then it was Monday again.

And again, LM woke up and excitedly asked "Is it Christmas yet!?!?!?" ....No. NO. NOT YET.


Posted by Vixen :: 7:09 AM :: 10 comments

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