Secrets of a Blue Eyed Vixen

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things you suddenly remember about snow (when it fucking dumps)

1. It would have been nice if you had located your snow scraper before you actually, like, needed it.

2. Crocs + snow = NO GO....duh!

3. Flip flops + snow = NO GO....snort!

4. When I say (while speaking about making it up the long ass uphill driveway covered in 2' of slippery snow) 'go balls out and ya gotta commit'.....well, I mean it. I *swear* I know what I'm talking about. ;)

5. No matter how badly LM *insists* he wants to go play in the snow, you can be assured this truly means a max of FIVE FREAKING MINUTES...:::sigh:::...

6. Animals need to be kept warm. Animals get cold when it gets super cold. Straw keeps animals warm when it's cold. REMEMBER TO BUY FREAKING STRAW BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING NEED IT. My god.....I hate when I do this (every. single. winter practically)

7. Anywhere you want to go takes fuckingforever plus five. Grrrr......

8. No matter how insanely awesome your satellite internet connection is, bad weather is bad weather and 'there' and effects your connection. Which, when you think about it, really does suck. Because when it's colder than hell outside, snowing and you are stuck inside, it would be nice to waste time on the 'net.

9. It truly hits you what shitty luck it was that the water guy 'forgot' to come the other day. When it was like, 50 some degrees and perfectly dry. Because now you have to meet him somewhere in town because no way in hell can the dude make it up your snow covered, slippery ass driveway. Fucker.....

10. Why is it again that I have never hired a company to plow the drive????

11. Even at thirty-something snow angels are still super fun to make.

12. Shoveling snow can be quite satisfying. I have no idea why I enjoy it so much.

13. The wintery wonderland left behind is just so freaking *beautiful*. [happy sigh]

Posted by Vixen :: 9:37 AM :: 15 comments

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